Project at HCFS
At HCFS, our non-core subjects are delivered to the pupils through half termly projects. Each project is engaging to help capture the children’s imaginations as they learn new knowledge and skills in a creative manner. The project approach involves a sustained, in-depth exploration of events or objects and is carried out in such a way that children are encouraged to raise questions and search for answers about it. Projects are used by teachers at HCFS as a vehicle to teach pupils discrete curriculum areas such as History, Geography, Art, Design and Technology and Computing.
Projects are taught at HCFS on a two year rolling cycle and for each project, a specific curriculum area is focused upon. The rolling cycle can be view in the document below:
Project Curriculum Overview
Project Assessment and Reflection
At the beginning of each project, the learning assessment criteria is shared with pupils and then all lessons that are delivered within the project link directly to ensuring the children are given the knowledge and skills to make achievements against the criteria. Teachers make regular judgements throughout the project against the assessment criteria so that a full and complete assessment of the pupil’s learning within the project has been made as the project draws to a close. All pupils are given an opportunity at the end of each project to reflect upon their learning with their assessment judgements and reflections forming part of their Mid and End of Year School Reports.
For more information about what your child is learning, please speak with their Class Teacher.