Autumn 2 Week 3
Friday 22nd November 2024
What a busy week we've had!
The children have just completed their first set of Year 3 checkpoints and we have been completely blow away at how well they have done. The children have worked extremely hard in each of their papers and have shown how much progress they have already made since the start of the year. Well done to all of you!
In project this week, we learnt about tsunamis, what they are, how they are formed and their impact on people and environments.
In Science , we learnt about reflective surfaces and we tested different materials to see which ones were reflective and not reflective. The children then applied their understanding by designing an outfit to keep them safe in the dark.
Our Christmas rehearsals are now in full swing. This week we got together with Year 4 to start running through the songs and the script. Well done to everyone who has already memorised their lines!
Wishing you all a lovely weekend!
The Year 3 Team
Autumn 2 Week 2
Friday 14th November 2024
Wow! What a fabulous second week back!
We carried on our wonderful work in English learning to identify the rhyming patterns in Quatrains and then we used this to structure our own poems about Superheroes. In maths, we have started work on our 4 times tables - looking at using doubles to find the answers. We aklso looked at using the inverse operation to solve number problems.
In Project, we have identified the different parts of a mountain and used atlases to identify mountain ranges in the United Kingdom and across the world. In Science, we have sorted light sources into natural and artificial light sources.
In Spanish, we have continued the story of Little Red Riding Hood and learnt how to say parts of the body in Spanish. We have continued our work in music learning to play the notes D and E on the glockenspiel and we have leant about notes that have different lengths.
We have braved the cold in PE and got outside to brush up our Rugby skills, learning to hold the ball correctly and how to pass the ball. Indoors, we are dancing to the Dance of the Knights, moving like animals - the hall was full of elephants, giraffes and monkeys.
Best Wishes
The Year 3 team
Autumn 2 - Week 1
Friday 8th November 2024
Welcome back everyone!
After a whole week at home, we are back in school and have taken part in some amazing learning.
In English, we started our poetry unit and this week our focus was on kennings. The children did a brilliant job and had lots of fun creating their own monsters and writing super exciting kennings about them.
In Maths, we worked on finding right angles, following directions and comparing angles. Although we found this a bit tricky at the start of the week, by the end we were flying through the tasks.
In Project, we have started out new Geography topic called Tremors which is all about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis. We are sure it is going to be a very exciting one!
In Science, we also have a new topic called Shining the Light. This week we explored why and how we need the light to be able to see in the dark. We also had very interesting discussions about light sources and whether you could fix a burnt out lamp (no, you can't unfortunately).
In Spanish we are learning about the Little Red Riding Hood story, obviously, and the children have been amazing in learning some of our key vocabulary.
In Music, we are learning to play the glockenspiel. It has been a lovely lesson where everyone engaged and managed to play note E and D and even played duets.
From the Year 3 team, we wish you all a lovely and restful weekend!
Autumn 1
Friday 25th October 2024
Phew! We made it to half term after a very busy week reviewing the term's Project and Science topics and we realised just how much we have learnt in the first eight weeks of Year 3. In English, we have really enjoyed planning and writing our biographies about Mary Anning and we impressed our parents with how much we know about the famous fossil hunter in our parent lessons. In Maths, we have sharpened up our subtracting skills and applied them to word problems. We have started our Christmas songs and can't believe how quick some of them are, so we are going to be working very hard to try to fit all of those words into the tune.
Wishing you all a lovely half term holiday.
Best Wishes
The Year 3 team.
Autumn 1
Friday 18th October 2024
We have been super busy as we head towards half term! In maths we have used an empty number line to add on in 1s, 10s and 100s and then we have applied our skills to word problems. In English, we have started a new topic on Biographies and have looked at the organsiational features of this type of text. We have enjoyed doing some group activities to organise information and we got to interview each other to gather information. In Science we have reviewed our topic of, Our Planet Rocks and we are now looking forward to our next topic. In Project, we have learnt about how the Olympic Games started in Ancient Greece and we have used primary sources to look for clues about them. We also had a lot of fun in PE this week as we got together as a year group to do our challenges for our Sponsored event. So we are all exhausted!
Best Wishes
The Year 3 Team
Autumn 1 Week 6
Friday 11th October 2024
Another busy week!
In English, we have really enjoyed our book called Flotsam and we have written our own stiories based on one of the magical and mysterious photographs found on a camera that was carried on the waves. In maths we have been busy getting to grips with converting kilograms to grams; reading scales and scaling up recipes. In project we have learnt about Hydna of Scione and how she defeated the Persian Navy. In science we have been doing an experiment to investigate which soil was the best soaker and which was the best drainer. In Spanish, we have finished our first unit of learning called 'I am learning Spanish' and we can now introduce ourselves in Spanish and we have been introduced to both the numbers to ten and some of the colours.
Best Wishes
The Year 3 Team
Autumn 1 Week 5
Friday 4th October 2024
Another busy week!
In English, we have been using adjectives and adverbials to improve our writing about our book, Flotsam. We have written description sof the pictures and considered the thoughts and feelings of our main character, In maths, we have been superstars learning about fractions of a set and we even managed to add and subtract fractions that have the same denominator.
In science, we were soil detectives and we look at soil under a microscope and saw how different soils were made up of soil, stones, organic matter - we even got to see a millipede which escaped onto Ms Davies' desk!
In project we have learnt about Alexander the Great and how he conquered lots of countries having never lost a battle. We also learnt that he named 70 cities after himself and even one after his horse! In music, we have been very pleased with our singing and think we sound amazing!
Best Wishes
The Year 3 Team
Autumn 1 - Week 4
Friday 27th September 2024
Wow! How quick another week has gone!
In maths, we have been impressing our teachers with our counting in multiples of 2, 3, 5 and 10 and applying these skills to multiplication problems. Next week, we are going to be looking at fractions. In English, we have finished off our work on The Dragon Slayer with an assessed piece of writing to check where we have got to in our learning. We then began our new text, Flotsam and we did some fantastic descriptive writing and we will continue to develop our independent writing skills next week. In project, we learnt about using primary and secondary resources to support our historical research and we had a go at writing our own fact file about life in Ancient Greece. In science, we enjoyed learning about how fossils formed and who Mary Anning was. We had a go at doing a flow chart to show the formation of fossils and made our own fossils in clay using shells and patterned stones. Also we got very excited because we got to design our Christmas cards which we cannot wait for you to see!
Best Wishes
The Year 3 Team
Autumn 1 - Week 3
Friday 20th September 2024
We have had another busy week in Year 3!
In maths, we have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes and how the different features help us work out the name of each shape. Next week, we will focus on multiplication and division.
In English, we have continued to explore the tale of Tarragon the dragon slayer. This week the children explored using verbs and adverbs as sentence openers and how to write a chronological recount of an event. The children are continuing to work on their independence and next week will be writing a short assessed piece.
In project, we learnt about democracy and discussed how it started in ancient Greece and what it looks like nowadays in our modern society. We also explored other similarities and differences between life in ancient Greece and life now.
In science, we have investigated how different types of rocks are used for construction. We researched pictures of local buildings and tried to figure out what type of rock was used to build them. We also learnt about how bricks are made.
Keep up the super work Year 3!
Best Wishes
The Year 3 Team
Autumn 1 Week 2
Friday 13th September 2024
What a fantastic start to the year we have had in Year 3! In maths, we have been partitioning numbers and ordering them. We have also looked at using an empty number line to both add and subtract numbers up to 1000. Next week, we will focus on the properties of shape. In English, our film focus is on the tale of The Dragon Slayer. The children have experimented with using descriptive language such as expanded noun phrases, prepositions and our senses to write description of both characters and settings. The children are learning to write independently and are focussing on their spelling of the high frequency words. . Our project topic for this term is ‘Gods and Mortals’. We began our investigation into Greek Gods and Goddesses by learning about the twelve most powerful gods. The children had fun creating their own Greek gods in project and looking at how the Greeks worshiped their Gods. For science, we have been detectives and looked at identifying rocks and dividing them into igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks – but we all thought the vinegar smelt very bad in our experiment! In music, we have impressed our teachers with our singing of a song called Let Your Spirit Fly! Our RE, this half term, is comparing Islam with Christianity. Our PE topics this half term are Dodgeball and gymnastics. Well done Year 3 – you have been fabulous!
Best Wishes
The Year 3 Team