If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
Determined Admissions Policy 2024/25
Determined Admission Policy 2025-26
Applications for Admission to HCFS
If you are interested in joining our Free School you will be required to make an application
through the Local Authority who are co-ordinating our admissions:
Tel: 03001234043
More information can be obtained at Hertfordshire Local Authority.
The Hatfield Community Free School admissions arrangements will be in line with the existing Admissions Code, The School Admissions Appeals Code, and admissions law as it applies to our funding agreement from the DfE.
The school has 60 reception places available each year. We maintain a waiting list for available places for Year R children.
The school is part of the coordination scheme and process as published by Hertfordshire County Council.
Please follow this application link to apply to our school for a place.
The admission criteria will include pupils with statements of special educational needs, children in care, siblings and those living closest to the school in that order of priority.
The full policy for school admissions includes: clear admissions criteria; an over-subscription policy; tie-breaking arrangements.
Open Evening/School Tours for Reception Applications September 2025
If you are considering applying to our school for a place in Reception 2025 and would like to find out more about our school please join us for our 'Meet the Principal and Staff Team' evening for prospective parents or one of the school tours that are taking place throughout the school day.
Please note that you do not need to book a place at any of the following events, please just turn up to any of the events you would like to attend:
Meet the Principal and Staff Team
Wednesday 23rd October 2024 at 5:15pm.
Tour of the School
Tuesday 12th November at 1:30pm.
Thursday 14th November at 9:30am.
Please note that these events are for parents/carers of children starting Reception in September 2025 only.
If you have any questions please contact us by e-mailing or call the school office on 01707 276018.
Please note that we are unable to organise visits to the school outside our scheduled events.
You may also view our school prospectus on our website.