The EYFS curriculum here at HCFS underpins all future learning by supporting and fostering the children’s personal, social and emotional wellbeing. We promote positive attitudes and instil the love of learning through enriching and exciting experiences every day through quality hands-on experiences and creative opportunities. We encourage exploration, curiosity, creativity and independence, ensuring that we get to know our children, finding out their interests to make the learning and activities relatable and highly engaging for them.
EYFS Framework
The Framework splits the curriculum into 'Prime Areas' and 'Specific Areas'. In our Early Years, none of these areas can be delivered in isolation from the others. They are equally important and depend on each other. All areas are delivered through a careful balance of adult led, child initiated and enhanced provision activities.
The key areas of learning are:
Prime Areas
1. Communication and Language Development
2. Physical Development
3. Personal Social and Emotional Development
Specific Areas
1. Literacy
2. Mathematics
3. Understanding of the World
4. Expressive Arts and Design
Our Timetable

What will my child need to bring?
Your child will need to bring a suitable coat to school with them everyday. This will allow them to comfortably enjoy the outdoor area daily and take part in outdoor learning opportunities every day. During the winter months children may also wish to bring hats, scarves and gloves to wear. Please make sure each item is labelled.
Book bags
Your child will be given a book bag at the start of the year, they will need to bring this to school each day to aid communication from school to home. Inside the bag will be a reading record and a reading book which will be changed once a week.
Extra necessary accessories
As we spend time a lot in the outdoors every day in Reception, please ensure your child has a hat, scarf and gloves with them during the winter months. During the summer, your child will need a sun hat to protect them from the sun.
Water bottles
Please make sure your child brings a named water bottle each day and fills it up before coming to school.
Home learning
From spring term 1 home learning is uploaded onto Tapestry and the school website at the beginning of every half term. There will be a variety of activities for the children to complete on a daily, weekly and termly basis. Children will be given time in class to share their learning with their class teachers and peers.
P.E sessions will take place on every Thursday. Your child will need a PE kit to leave in school. Here is a link to our uniform code and pe dress code https://www.hcfs.org.uk/school-uniform/