Mathematics Lessons
HCFS Mathematics Structure
At Hatfield Community Free School, maths is taught everyday. In KS2 children also receive a mini maths session to support with rapid recall and understanding of key concepts.
Session Outline
5-10 minutes Fluency: 4 different concepts are shared with the class. These concepts either provide the children with consolidation opportunities from recent learning, or are chosen to support with recall and rehearsal time of learning before a new concept is introduced to them in subsequent lessons.
10 minutes Direct Teach into a 20 minute Practise Activity: New learning will be shared with the pupils based on the mathematics scheme on work from their age related curriculum. An I do, we do, you do teaching approach is used to develop the teaching concept within the direct teach. A concept is shared/taught to the pupils (my turn) and they are then given an opportunity for guided practice alongside their teacher (our turn) before moving on to independently completing the activity (your turn). This gradual increase of independence ensures there is less strain on a child's cognitive load, enabling them to gather confidence in completing a concept. This then enables the new learning to begin forming stronger pathways from their short to long term memory.
5-10 minutes Plenary: Pupils will be given the opportunity to use their mastery glasses when approaching a question/problem linked to the days learning. In addition, misconceptions that have arisen in the lesson are addressed through the remodelling of a concept to help secure understanding.
Helpful Documents
For more information about what your child is learning, please speak with their Class Teacher.