Autumn 1
Autumn 1, Week 7
Thank you to everyone that joined us for the parent lessons this week. The children thoroughly enjoyed showing off their learning and it was great to hear feedback from you all too.
If you have any further questions about the learning you observed or if you would like any copies of worksheets we used please let us know! J
PE kits have been sent home this week, we request that this is please cleaned and sent in with your child after the half-term ready for PE on the first Thursday back.
A reminder of what should be in PE kits:
White top
Black shorts
Black jumper
Black joggers
Trainers (and socks if required)
Please ensure your childs kit is named.
This week we have continued our Phonics learning. The children have studied the following graphemes:
The Phonics scheme that we use as a school is Little Wandle. For any additional information please visit the website and find the ‘for parents’ tab:
In Literacy this week, we have been reading the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. The children have been talking about the bear family and using labels to describe them. Children then drew a copy of their own family and labelled this with initial sounds, e.g. M for Mummy.
In Maths this week, we have been learning about more and less. The children can now identify when a number is more than another. We have also focussed on the vocabulary of ‘most’ and ‘least’ when talking about more than two numbers. For example, 7 is more than 3, but 10 is the most.
In Project this week the children have been telling us what makes their family so special! Please do log in to Tapestry to take a look at a photo/video of your child’s response. J
Have a lovely half-term break and congratulations to all of our star pupils in Reception for completing their first half-term at HCFS!
From the EYFS team J
Autumn 1, Week 6
Next week there are two opportunities for you to come and observe your children’s learning. On Tuesday from 9 until 10 you can join us for a Maths lesson, and on Thursday you can join us for a Phonics lesson at the same time, We hope to see many of you there!
On Tuesday after school we are also holding a Phonics workshop to support parents in gaining a deeper understanding of why and how Phonics is taught at HCFS. It would be lovely to see lots of parents faces from the Early Years joining us J
Please ensure that you are reading with your child at home and recording this in their records.
Children need to bring reading records into school each day so that staff in the Early Years can read with them.
This week we have continued our Phonics learning. The children have studied the following graphemes:
CK is the first ‘digraph’ that children have learnt. A digraph is two letters that make one sound. This can be seen in words such as ‘lock’ or ‘back’.
The Phonics scheme that we use as a school is Little Wandle. For any additional information please visit the website and find the ‘for parents’ tab:
In Literacy this week, we have been reading the story ‘You’re Called What?’ The children have been practising writing their names and ensuring that they use the correct letter formation when doing so.
In Maths this week, we have been learning about estimation and ordinal numbers. The children have been discussing what makes a good estimate when guessing quantities. We have also learnt the new vocabulary of ‘first, second, third, fourth, fifth’.
In Project this week the children have been creating their own house structures and thinking carefully about the items in each room of their house. Please take a look at Tapestry to see the wonderful creations that the children have made this week!
Have a lovely weekend, from the EYFS team J
Autumn 1, Week 5
Each child now has a reading record and wordless reading book that they can take home. Please ensure that you write in their reading record when you have read together. Please also ensure that your child brings this into school each day so that staff in the Early Years can read with them.
A quick reminder that children must have both an indoor and outdoor set of clothes in their PE Kits.
Indoor: white t-shirt and black shorts
Outdoor: white t-shirt, black joggers, black jumper, trainers and socks.
Please ensure childrens hair is tied back and any jewellery is removed, unless you have a consent form from the office. If you do have a consent form, please ensure you tape your childs jewellery at home as this is not something that we are permitted to do at school.
This week we have continued our Phonics learning. The children have studied the following graphemes:
The children have started to use the phonemes they now know to blend them and make words, for example, d-o-g, dog.
The Phonics scheme that we use as a school is Little Wandle. For any additional information please visit the website and find the ‘for parents’ tab:
In Literacy this week, we have been reading the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. The children have successfully sequenced the story and learnt names for each day of the week.
In Maths this week, we have been learning about ‘more’, ‘less’, ‘fewer’, and ‘the same’. The children have been using number lines to find more or less than a number.
In Project this week the children have been looking at maps and making a map of their own route to school. We have identified noticeable landmarks in Hatfield that the children are familiar with, for example, ASDA and the swimming centre.
Please do take a look at our parent noticeboard in the Reception corridor for important notices and updates on the children’s learning.
Have a lovely weekend, from the EYFS team J
Autumn 1, Week 4
Thank you to everyone that joined us for the Harvest Festival. The children have been working very hard over the last few weeks practising their songs and actions. It was great to see it all come together!
A quick reminder that children must have both an indoor and outdoor set of clothes in their PE Kits.
Indoor: white t-shirt and black shorts
Outdoor: white t-shirt, black joggers, black jumper, trainers and socks.
Please ensure childrens hair is tied back and jewellery is removed unless you have a consent form from the office. If you do have a consent form, please ensure you tape your childs jewellery at home as this is not something that we are permitted to do at school.
This week we have continued our Phonics learning. The children have studied the following graphemes:
The children have started to use the phonemes they now know to blend them and make words, for example, p-i-n pin.
The Phonics scheme that we use as a school is Little Wandle. For any additional information please visit the website and find the ‘for parents’ tab:
We have also started Maths and Literacy learning this week.
In Literacy, the children have focussed on rhyme. We have studied the book ‘rhyme crime’ to support this learning. The book can be viewed at home here:
In Maths, the children have been practising counting up to 10 and back down to 1. We have also challenged ourselves to start counting from different numbers, e.g. 4 to 10.
Our Project topic is currently ‘All About Me’. The children are having discussions about their own families and the families of their peers. Please don’t forget to bring a photo of your family into class for our family boards.
Please do take a look at our parent noticeboard in the Reception corridor for important notices and updates on the children’s learning.
Have a lovely weekend, from the EYFS team J
Autumn 1, Week 3
Thank you to everyone that joined us with the Macmillan Coffee Morning today! It was lovely to welcome so many parents and family members into our classrooms with a coffee and cake!
A quick reminder that children must have both an indoor and outdoor set of clothes in their PE Kits.
Indoor: white t-shirt and black shorts
Outdoor: white t-shirt, black joggers, black jumper, trainers and socks.
Please ensure childrens hair is tied back and jewellery is removed unless you have a consent form from the office.
This week we have started our Phonics learning. The children have studied the following graphemes:
The children now know that a grapheme is what the letter looks like, e.g. S, and a phoneme is what it sounds like e.g. 'sssss'.
The Phonics scheme that we use as a school is Little Wandle. For any additional information please visit the website and find the ‘for parents’ tab:
Please do take a look at our parent noticeboard in the Reception corridor for important notices and updates on the children’s learning.
Have a lovely weekend, from the EYFS team J
Autumn 1, Week 2
We are a NUT FREE school, please ensure any snack provided is nut free. All snacks must be healthy, no chocolate or crisps please.
Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school with the correct uniform. PE kits need to be labelled, children must have hair tied back and earrings/other jewellery removed for PE days, please.
Our PE day is Thursday.
Our Macmillan coffee morning will be taking place next Friday (27th).
If you would like to donate cakes please do so by 26th September with an ingredients list attached. Parents are permitted to join their child in class until 8:45am on this day.
If you need support with logging into Tapestry please ask your child's class teacher, alternatively if you need support with Arbor or the School Grid please ask the office staff. Thank you.
This week we have started completing baseline assessments with the children. These help us to understand the knowledge that the children already have and how we can plan future lessons accordingly.
We are so pleased with how well the children are settling into their new school life, thank you again to parents/carers for supporting with this.
Have a lovely weekend, from the EYFS team J
Autumn 1, Week 1
The children have settled into their new classrooms brilliantly this week, we are very proud of each and every one of them!
A special thank you to parents/carers for supporting the Early Years team with helping to settle the children.
Please remember to label each of your child’s items that they bring to school – this includes school bags, coats and snack boxes. Please also keep a spare set of clothing in your child’s bag each day in case of toileting accidents or if their clothes become dirty.
We are a NUT FREE school, please ensure any snack provided is nut free. All snacks must be healthy, no chocolate please.
Next week on Monday (16.09.2024), HCFS are holding ‘Open Classrooms’ until 4:45pm. This gives parents/carers the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher and ask any questions or concerns they may have. It also allows your child to show you around their new classrooms!
This week we have been spending time with the children playing group games and getting to know them. It has been lovely witnessing them creating new friendships with both children and adults.
Next week we will begin their reception baseline assessments to gain an insight into their current knowledge. This helps the teaching team to plan future lessons accordingly. Once assessments have finished, we can begin formal teaching of Phonics, Literacy, and Maths.
Have a lovely weekend, from the EYFS team J