Spring 1, Week 6
It has been a good week to finish off Spring term 1. We spent Monday at the fantastic Young Voices concert. Both teachers and children had a brilliant time!
In English we finished editing and improving our assessed piece of writing. To conclude the week, we gathered information and created a brochure to advertise Pompeii.
In maths this week the children have been revisiting addition and multipication with numbers up to four digits. The children also completed missing number calculations.
In science the children created a fact file all about mammals to showcase their new found knowlegde.
In Project we concluded this topic by discussing everything we had learnt about our local area over the past few weeks.
We hope you have a wonderful and well earned half term.
Best wishes,
Year 4 Tam
Spring 1, Week 5
It has been a good week in Year 4 with lots of learning taking place.
This week in English we have been looking at the features of a non-chronological report. We looked at the use of subheadings, gathering facts and writing them as bullet points. We considered the use of impersonal language and how to use technical language. We then finally wrote our own report on volcanos.
In maths this week we have been looking at mental addition and subtraction. The children have been also applying this within the context of two step word problems.
In Project this week the children have been sketching maps of the local area, they also had to create a key to accompany this. The children also gathered data about the people who live in Hatfield, such as the age range and religions.
In science the children have been creating another fact file, this time on birds and reptiles! They all created some fabulous piece of work.
Do not forget we have the amazing Young Voices on Monday!
As always, should you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 4 Team
Spring 1, Week 4
It has been a good week in Year 4 with lots of learning taking place.
This week in English we have been considering how to edit and improve our work using a success criteria, the children then published their work for their final draft. The children then moved on to reading information about the history of Pompeii, they had to retrieve information from this text. To conclude the children learnt about subordinate conjunctions and clauses, and how to use them in their writing.
In maths this week we have been looking at converting measurements of length. The children have been converting kilometres, metres, centimetres and millimetres.
In Project this week the children have learnt all about human and physical features. We focused which of these were present in the local area.
In science the children learnt all about fish and amphibians. The children and to create an informative poster about both of them.
As always, should you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 4 Team
Spring 1, Week 3
The children have had a wonderful week in school. We have been completing lots of brilliant learning.
In English we continue to look at the book 'Escape from Pompeii'. The children have read further into the book and have planned and written an assessed piece of work. The children first gathered powerful vocabulary and phrases, which were then placed into three different paragraphs. The children have also written a bank of sentences to support them. The children have then used their planning to support them with writing an eyewitness account of the eruption in Pompeii.
In maths this week the children have been looking at fractions. The children have practiced finding a fractions of an amount. The children been looking at fractions with various denominators including tenth and hundredths. The children then used this knowledge within the context of word problems.
In Project the children have been looking at maps and how to use them. The children have also been comparing using an atlas and online features, such as google earth, to help you identify an area. The children investigated which platform was easiest to use and why.
In science the children have been looking at categorising animals and plants based on different characteristics. Such as, legs or no legs, can move on its own or not. This has given the children a better understanding of living things.
As always, should you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 4 Team
Spring 1, Week 2
We have had another lovely week in Year 4. In English this week we have been focusing on our language choices. The children have been writing powerful descriptions of the city of Pompeii, giving close consideration to their verb and adjective choices.
In Maths this week we have been focusing on the written format for long multipication. The children have been practicing this method with one by two digit numbers. The children have also been looking at multiples of 12, 100 and 1000.
In science this week we started off the topic by looking at whether things are alive, not alive or have never been alive. The children had to sort animals/plants/objects into their respective categories.
This weeks project has been focused around the children creating their own informative booklet about Hatfield. The children had to write an introduction, create a timeline, write key facts and finally a 'did you know?' page.
As always, should you have any questions or queries our door is always open.
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 4 Team
Spring 1, Week 1
Welcome back! We have had a lovely week to start off Spring term.
In English we have started our new unit of work based around the book 'Escape from Pompeii'. The children have been exploring the use of verbs, nouns and adjectives throughout the book and the impact it has on the story. The children have also been practicing using fronted adverbials to create impactful sentences.
In maths we have been looking at angles. The children have learnt to identify obtuse, acute and right angles. We practiced recognising, ordering and comparing them. To conclude the week we looked at regular and irregular polygons.
We have started our new project 'Hatfield'. The children had a discussion and wrote about what they already knew about Hatfield and what they wish to know. We then went on a walk around the local area, where the children had to plot their route on a map. It was a chilly but lovely walk!
As always, should you have any questions or queries our door is always open.
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 4 Team
Autumn 2 Week 6
In English, we finished looking at our focus book of The Last Bear. Over the last term the children have enjoyed reading this book and getting to know the characters in depth. The story has aided the children to use and learn many new skills in their writing. It will certainly been a story the children never forget.
In maths, we have focused on negative numbers. The children rehearsed counting backwards through zero and filling in gaps on a number line. The children have been identifying what jumps have been made in order to determine a missing number.
We have spent a lot of our afternoons this week practicing for the Christmas play! We cannot wait for you to see your children shine on the stage!
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 4 Team
Autumn 2 Week 5
In English, we have looking at diary entries. The children learnt about the features and the ensured they used these in their own writing. The children had to write from a characters perspective and consider how the informal language impacts the writing. To finish the week the children had a drama based lesson whereby they had to create freeze-frames based on a scene from The Last Bear. The children also completed some hot-seating to help them get a better understanding of different characters.
In maths, we have been revisiting time. The children have looked at converting time, such as seconds to minutes and hours to days etc. We have learnt about the difference between analogue and digital and how to write 12 and 24 hour time.
In Project, we have designed our own chocolate packaging based upon our target audience. The children have then cut out a net and made their own chocolate packaging out of card. The children have made some brilliant packaging ideas.
We have also spent a lot of our afternoons this week practicing for the Christmas play!
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 4 Team
Autumn 2 Week 4
In English, we have written our narrative of how we think Bear got to Bear Island in first person, imagining we were Bear. We used our new learning about DADWAVERS, to ensure our writing had all the different elements needed to create a comprehensive and descriptive piece of writing.
In maths, we have been practising and consolidating learning about multiplication strategies, including grid method and short multiplication. We also looked at multiplying three numbers together and that sometimes it is easier to do part first and then multiply by the number that is easier, e.g. 0, 1, 2, 5, 10.
In Science, the children learnt about muscles and conducted an investigation to explore the impact exercise has on our muscles. We then thought about if the fitter we were also had an impact on the amount of exercise we could do.
In Project, we have learnt about how to market our chocolate packaging for particular audience, i.e. if we want children to buy our chocolate it would be brightly coloured with pictures, whereas if we were selling an expensive brand maybe we would use colours like red, purple or gold because they are considered regal colours.
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 4 Team
Autumn 2, Week 3
This week the children have been completing their checkpoints. The children have worked really hard on their reasoning, maths, arithmetic, spelling as well as grammar and punctuation. These have been sent home for you to look at with your children.
In Science we looked at vertebrates and invertebrates. We also looked at the human skeleton. The children made their own moving model of a skeleton using card, chalk and split pins.
In Project we looked at cocoa farming. The children wrote a diary entry as if they were a farmer. We learnt about fair trade and the positive impact it has on peoples lives.
As always, should you have any questions or queries about the content of lessons or the curriculum, do not hesitate to ask us at pick up. We hope you have a lovely half term.
Best wishes,
Year 4 team
Autumn 2, Week 2
It has been a lovely week in school full of wonderful learning.
In English this week we continued to look at The Last Bear. The children started the week by finishing and redrafting their poem from last week. The children moved on to using figurative language, such as similes and metaphors. Then we studied character relationships and then used fronted adverbials in our work. To conclude the week we completed a reading VIPERS session.
In maths the children have been looking at square numbers, the 7 times tables, factors and multipication problems. There have been some challenging topics this week but the children have persevered.
In Science we continued to look at healthy eating. The children have to design their own healthy eating plate. They then made their food using air dry clay! It was a great lesson!
In project we looked at the history of chocolate. Children created a timeline of events. Then we looked at Bournville and the history of the company, with the children conducting some of their own research.
As always, should you have any questions or queries about the content of lessons or the curriculum, do not hesitate to ask us at pick up. We hope you have a lovely half term.
Best wishes,
Year 4 team
Autumn 2, Week 1
We have had a brilliant week back in school.
In English we have been focusing on our class book The Last Bear. The children have completed reading VIPERS questions, discussed characters emotions and even started to write a poem!
In maths we have been looking at mass. The children have been looking at how to convert grams to kilograms. Then we looked ta this within the context of word problems.
In project this week we had a chocolate experience! The children got to try different chocolaers and even make their own!
Ins science we have starter our new topic ;fit for success' where we have been discussing animals and humans. We focused on diets and what foods are healthy.
As always, should you have any questions or queries about the content of lessons or the curriculum, do not hesitate to ask us at pick up. We hope you have a lovely half term.
Best wishes,
Year 4 team
Autumn 1, Week 8
We have had a lovely last week in school. The children have been taking part in a range of learning activities.
In English we completed our film unit on 'The Wishgranter'. The children have completed many activities based upon the short film. They have written expanded noun phrases, designed their own wish machine, used technical vocabulary and even written some similes and metaphors!
In maths we have focused on decimals. The children have been ordering them and converting them into fractions. The children also had to look at decimals within the context of word problems.
We have finished our project unit by completing a double page spread about everything we have learnt about the Romans. The children have produced some wonderful pieces of work.
In science the children got to create their magnetic games that they designed last week!
As always, should you have any questions or queries about the content of lessons or the curriculum, do not hesitate to ask us at pick up. We hope you have a lovely half term.
Best wishes,
Year 4 team
Autumn 1, Week 7
We have had a great week in school. The children have been taking part in a range of learning activities.
In English we have been looking at a film unit called 'The Wishgranter'. The children have watched it in great detail and have been writing expanded noun phrases, discussing the characters thoughts and feelings among many other things. The children have been using prefixes and prepositions within their writing.
In maths we have focused on the formal method of addition. The children have been practicing column addition and then applying this knowledge, within the context of word problems.
We have finished our project unit by completing a double page spread about everything we have learnt about the Romans. The children have produced some wonderful pieces of work.
We have finished our science unit this week. We concluded the learning by getting the children to design their own game using magnets. The children will get an opportunity to make their game next week!
As always, should you have any questions or queries about the content of lessons or the curriculum, do not hesitate to ask us at pick up. We hope you have a lovely weekend
Best wishes,
Year 4 team
Autumn 1, Week 6
We have had a great week in school. The children have been taking part in a range of learning activities.
In English we have finished out instructions unit. The children have now produced their final version of instructions. We also spent some of the week doing reading VIPERS sessions where the children had to answer a series of questions about a text or short film.
In maths we have focused on co-ordinates and translations. We started the week by reading co-ordinates off a grid, the children then had to plot them. We moved on to looking at translating a given co-ordinate and then writing down its new location.
In project we learnt about two different famous figures. We started of by learning about Spartacus and his life. The children wrote down bullet point facts about him. We then learnt about Boudicca. The children created a 'wanted; poster for her where they had to draw her and write what she would have been wanted for by the Romans. The children then wrote a paragraph about why she was so famous and sucessful.
In science we conducted experiments with magnets. W had several types of magnet such as bar, horseshoe, marble and wand. We looked at which was the strongest and how they interacted with each other. We also tested some of our hypothesis and predictions.
As always, should you have any questions or queries about the content of lessons or the curriculum, do not hesitate to ask us at pick up. We hope you have a lovely weekend
Best wishes,
Year 4 team
Autumn 1, Week 5
We have had a great week in school. The children have been taking part in a range of learning activities.
In English we have continued to look at instructions. The children had the opportunity to make sandwiches, which they are using to write a set of instructions about. This will be the basis of an assessed piece.
In maths we have focused on fractions. We started out the week by looking at halves, quarters and three quarters. We moved on to looking at equivalent fractions and finally, how to find a fraction of an amount.
In project we have looked at the Roman Gods and why the Romans worshipped them. We also looked at the similarities and differences of the Roman and Greek Gods. We then moved on to learn all about Hadrian's wall. The children did a fact finding treasure hunt and then completed a question answering activity on the topic.
In science we have continued to look at magnets. This week we focused on the magnetism of different coins. We looked at which coins were magnetic and how the year of the coin impacted this.
Our Thrive sessions this week have been focused around team work and how to help one another. We ave had some fantastic conversations throughout the week.
As always, should you have any questions or queries about the content of lessons or the curriculum, do not hesitate to ask us at pick up. We hope you have a lovely weekend
Best wishes,
Year 4 team
Autumn 1, Week 4
We have had a lovely week back in school. The children have been taking part in a range of learning activities.
In English we have been looking at instructions. The children recapped their previous learning which we have now built upon. We have looked at the use of imperative verbs, adverbs, fronted adverbials and prepositions. All of which they have applied in their writing.
In maths we have been focusing on our 6 and 9 times tables. They children have been recalling their multipication knowledge and using their other times tables to support them.
In project we first looked at the Celts and when they arrived in Britain. The children learnt about their lifestyles and the sort of people they were. They had to draw a Celt and write facts about them. The children then learnt about Julius Caesar and his two attempted invasions of Britain. The children then learnt about the sucessful invasion of Britain by Emperor Claudius.
In science we looked at magnetism. The children got to experiment with a range of magnets and identify materials that were magnetic and non-magnetic. We then recorded this in a table. As a class we then conducted an experiment to see which magnet was the strongest.
As always, should you have any questions or queries about the content of lessons or the curriculum, do not hesitate to ask us at pick up. We hope you have a lovely weekend
Best wishes,
Year 4 team
Autumn 1, Week 3
We have had a lovely week back in school. The children have been taking part in a range of learning activities.
In English we have nearly come to the end of the film unit. We have spent the week looking at diary entries and their features. we then moved on to learning about non-chronological reports. We did the reports on turtles, of which the children planned and then have written up. This will be used as an assessed piece.
In maths this week we have looked at lines of symmetry and reflection. The children have tried very hard with this topic and have been able to correctly reflect shapes in a line of symmetry.
In project we have looked at the impact the Romans had on Britain. We looked at how they brought over language, different clothing, religion, money and much more. The children created an informative poster on this.
In science we looked at pull and push forces. The children conducted an experiment to see how much weight increased the amount of Newtons of force. The children recorded their results in a table.
As always, should you have any questions or queries about the content of lessons or the curriculum, do not hesitate to ask us at pick up. We hope you have a lovely weekend
Best wishes,
Year 4 team
Autumn 1, Week 2
We have had a lovely first full week back in school. The children have been taking part in a range of learning activities.
In English we have started our film unit. We are looking at a short film called ‘once in a lifetime’. The children have been studying it in close detail. We have written about character emotions, expanded noun phrases, the use of prepositions and the 5 senses.
In maths we have been looking at mental addition and subtraction. This is very tricky due to having to hold numbers in your head, but the children worked very hard. We then moved on to looking at one and two step word problems.
In project we have begun our learning about ancient Rome. The children looked at how the roman empire grew on a map and how they managed to expand their armies. The children were then tasked with creating a poster to engage a reader all about the Roman Empire.
For our first science lesson we looked at different surfaces and how friction impacts them. The children had several different ramps which they pushed a car down. Placing different materials on the ramps impacted how far the car travelled, the children recorded this in a table.
As always, should you have any questions or queries about the content of lessons or the curriculum, do not hesitate to ask us at pick up. We hope you have a lovely weekend
Best wishes,
Year 4 team
Autumn 1, Week 1
Welcome back! We have had a good first week back to school in Year 4. We have spent time getting to know one another and settle in to our rules and routines.
The children completed various activities in English to help us assess the children’s current knowledge and understanding. The children have written some letters, completed a creative writing task and a reading ‘VIPERS’ session.
In maths we have focused on place value and identifying the value of a given digit in 3 and 4 digit numbers. The children then went on the practice ordering numbers in ascending order.
For our introduction to our project unit ‘I am Warrior’, the children got to design and make their own Roman shields. The children then went outside to show off and ‘test’ out their shields.
We will be starting our science topic, ‘Magnetic Fun’ from next week.
As always, should you have any questions or queries about the content of lessons or the curriculum, do not hesitate to ask us at pick up. We hope you have a lovely weekend
Best wishes,
Year 4 team