Addition & Subtraction. Solved.
From the innovators who bring you Times Tables Rock Stars, comes a highly engaging platform for learning to add and subtract… NumBots!
NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.
At HCFS we focus on the 'Story Mode' for progressing and building on understanding skills learnt on the level before. Children need to earn 2 or 3 stars in a game to pass it and unlock the next level. Once all the levels have been passed in a stage, the child will be able to move on to the next stage.
Children can achieve 18 stages on 'Story Mode':
1. Rust | 7. Chrome | 13. Titanium |
2. Iron | 8. Glass | 14. Bronze |
3. Tin | 9. Tungsten | 15. Silver |
4. Brass | 10. Aluminium | 16. Gold |
5. Copper | 11. Kevlar | 17. Platinum |
6. Steel | 12. Carbon Fibre | 18. Diamond |
The children can also have a go with the 'Challenge Mode' once they have reached level 80 on 'Story Mode', to recall facts and skills learnt in lessons and from the 'Story Mode'.
There are 20 Challenges in total. To unlock the next Challenge, players must correctly answer 12 questions in a minute.
Click on our helper Bud to go to the Numbots website