Autumn 2
Autumn 2, Week 6
If you would like to come and see our play it is being shown on:
Monday 16th @ 9:45
Tuesday 17th @ 1:30
This week we have continued our Phonics learning. The children have been reading and writing longer words and phrases, as well as reviewing prior learning from the term.
The Phonics scheme that we use as a school is Little Wandle. For any additional information please visit the website and find the ‘for parents’ tab:
In Literacy this week, we have continued reading the story ‘The Jolly Postman’. We had a special letter delivered to the classroom from the Wicked Witch and were instructed to write back to her.
In Maths this week, we have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties. The children are now able to describe shapes using terminology such as faces and edges.
In Project this week the children have been learning about the importance of light in various religions. The children each made a Christingle and read the story ‘Little Glow’.
Have a lovely weekend,
From the EYFS team J
Autumn 2, Week 5
Please ensure your childs costume for the school play is in at the start of next week by the latest. We have our dress rehearsal to the school on Thursday.
If you would like to come and see the play it is being shown on:
Monday 16th @ 9:45
Tuesday 17th @ 1:30
This week we have continued our Phonics learning. The children have been reading and writing longer words and phrases.
The Phonics scheme that we use as a school is Little Wandle. For any additional information please visit the website and find the ‘for parents’ tab:
In Literacy this week, we have started reading the story ‘The Jolly Postman’. We have been learning how to describe characters using key words.
In Maths this week, we have been learning about 2D shapes and their properties. The children are now able to describe shapes using terminology such as, sides and corners.
In Project this week the children have been learning about the Nativity Story in their new topic, ‘Celebrations’. We have been able to sequence the story correctly and create our own Nativity stable scenes.
Have a lovely weekend,
From the EYFS team J
Autumn 2, Week 4
Next week teachers will be holding parent consultations on Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure you have booked in to meet with your childs class teacher to discuss their learning and progress.
This week we have continued our Phonics learning. The children have studied the following graphemes:
th (this, moth)
sh (ship, rush)
ng (thing, ring)
nk (think, pink)
The Phonics scheme that we use as a school is Little Wandle. For any additional information please visit the website and find the ‘for parents’ tab:
In Literacy this week, we have started reading the story ‘The Jolly Postman’. We have been learning about addresses and what they are used for, the children have then had the opportunity to write an address for themselves.
In Maths this week, we have continued describing and comparing measure. The children have been learning the key words: narrow/wide, tall/short and high/low.
In Project this week the children have continued their celebrations of ‘World Nursery Rhyme Week’. We have focussed on the song 5 Currant Buns. Each child has also had the opportunity to bake a currant bun of their own this week! J
Have a lovely weekend,
From the EYFS team J
Autumn 2, Week 3
Earrings must be removed or taped (if a consent form has been signed), before PE lessons each Thursday, please.
This week we have continued our Phonics learning. The children have studied the following graphemes:
The Phonics scheme that we use as a school is Little Wandle. For any additional information please visit the website and find the ‘for parents’ tab:
In Literacy this week, we have continued the story, ‘The Three Little Pigs’. The children have been using key words to describe the characters within the story and thinking about the phonemes we hear in order to write them.
In Maths this week, we have been describing and comparing measure. The children have been learning the key words: big/small, long/short, length and measure. We now know that when measuring two items, they must both begin at the same starting point in order for it to be a fair measure.
In Project this week the children have continued their celebrations of ‘World Nursery Rhyme Week’. We have focussed on the song ‘Incy Wincy’ and used a range of percussion instruments to perform this as a whole-class.
From the EYFS team J
Autumn 2, Week 2
Please ensure you are cutting grapes in half if providing these as a snack or in lunch boxes.
This week we have continued our Phonics learning. The children have studied the following graphemes:
The Phonics scheme that we use as a school is Little Wandle. For any additional information please visit the website and find the ‘for parents’ tab:
In Literacy this week, we have continued the story, ‘The Three Little Pigs’. The children have been creating their own story maps and retelling this in their own words.
In Maths this week, we have extended our knowledge of position, direction and movement. The children have been learning about ‘left’ and ‘right’, as well as other key vocabulary such as:
We have been using this new vocabulary in order to read and follow instructions.
In Project this week the children have been celebrating ‘World Nursery Rhyme Week’. We have focussed on the song ‘Old Macdonald’ and used a range of percussion instruments to perform this as a whole-class.
The children have also been able to sing and tap along to familiar songs and we have posted these clips on Tapestry so please do take a look!
From the EYFS team J
Autumn 2, Week 1
Welcome back after our first half-term of the year! We hope that you all enjoyed the break and feel ready and refreshed for the next few weeks!
This week we have continued our Phonics learning. The children have studied the following graphemes:
The Phonics scheme that we use as a school is Little Wandle. For any additional information please visit the website and find the ‘for parents’ tab:
In Literacy this week, we have started the story, ‘The Three Little Pigs’. The children have been sequencing the story and retelling it in their own words.
In Maths this week, we have been learning new vocabulary within positional and directional language. The children have been focussing on the following words:
On top
Next to
We have been using this to describe the location of different items around the classroom.
In Project this week the children have read the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. We have explored using our different senses to describe the locations and events of the story. The children each completed different freeze frames to portray the story in their own way. Don’t forget to check Tapestry to see their fantastic work!
From the EYFS team J